Thursday, November 24, 2011

Local trip spending

We came back from a short local trip. After tallying our spending, I found that we had actually spent much more compared to what we budgeted. Food made up the bulk of the spending, followed by souvenirs. We should not be eating so much restaurant food. Maybe next time we will have one restaurant meal for lunch and one simple dinner. We also had expensive tea-time and mid-morning snack (cakes and desserts). In other words, we overeat during this trip.

I should not take hubs' words for granted about enjoy while we can, yet he comes back complaining about us overspending. His purchase of souvenirs for office staff is expensive, and he bought way too much local produce IMHO.

Lesson learnt, when you have expensive eating habits, limit it to only one meal per day when travelling. However hubs keep saying we must enjoy now, which distracts me from trying to be "frugal on a trip".

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