Thursday, October 13, 2011

History subject for 2014 children?

See these:

FAINT. It is still unclear to me if the authourities wanted to make history a subject for standard 1 or standard 4 students or both. Those of us who have school-going children or soon-to-be school-going children sure kena somehow or other. The news was from last year, I was just too busy last year to note the impact to our poor kids.
#1 -- the "history" subject will be based on "unsur kewarganegaraan, patriotisme dan perlembagaan" -- this means only the last 50 to 60 years or so of the country's history from around Merdeka time??
#2 --  To elaborate more, somewhere in the newspaper article, the speaker was quoted as saying "The syllabus will be based on citizenship, patriotism and the Constitution" and "with emphasis on enhancing the understanding of the constitution so as to enlighten students about the country’s nation-building process."
#3 -- how are the 10-year-olds going to ever understand how the country works? Leave this sort of thing to the teenagers by all means! If 10-year-olds can't comprehend, pls do not even expect the 7-year-old's to even know what's going on. Poor moms and dads who try to help with homework during that time would have to mug up on "history" pula.
#4 -- seem more like brainwash session than anything else

As with everything else, how it will be implemented is still a big question mark. From the above links, the newspaper reported "The ministry is promoting fun learning. This subject will see a lot of interesting activities, including trips to historical places, field studies, dramas and sketches."

Historical sites visits, even visits to the Parliment! That was mentioned in one of the links. Kids got better things to learn and do than to be meddling with politics! At local level, if they are to go visiting historical sites, the children would probably just need to take the "Heritage Trail" at Penang. However not sure if that's what the authorities wanted as Penang's Heritage Trail doesn't seem to fit the above "unsur kewarganegaraan, patriotisme dan perlembagaan" . Neither does the British heritage such as Fort Cornwallis, the Francis Light or British-ruled related sites nor the churches or temples. But that's history for you, bah!

About the dramas/sketches as part of history method of learning, I am speechless. Stick on moustaches and pretend to be Datuk so-and-so in "history"??

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